What are Intramuscular (IM) Injections and What Are The Benefits

Injected directly into the muscle, intramuscular (IM) shots offer a quick and easy way to reap the benefits of vitamins and supplements.
What are Intramuscular (IM) Injections and what are the benefits

Injected directly into the muscle, intramuscular (IM) shots offer a quick and easy way to reap the rewards of our carefully curated menu of mighty molecules, vitamins, and formulas. If you haven’t experienced an IM injection from us before, you might be curious about the procedure, but not to worry – it’s quick and relatively painless (depending on the vitamin injected, each has their own profile).

The Benefits of IM Injections

IM shots are delivered directly to the muscle, which allow the molecules to be absorbed into the bloodstream over a sustained timeframe. Delivering nutrients this way allows the injection to bypass the first-pass metabolism as well as avoid gastric factors. Although faster than IV hydration therapy, intramuscular injections still maintain comparable potency as they break-down in the muscle over 2-3 days.

IM Shots Provided by Onus IV

The IM shots that Onus IV provides have been carefully curated to help with a variety of moments. From the “Miracle Molecule” NAD+  IM shot to the glutathione IM shot that helps to fight toxins and aid skin clarity, we have an intramuscular shot for practically everyone. 

  • NAD+ IM Shot: This vital coenzyme is responsible for ATP production, including boosting mental clarity, cellular rewiring, and sharpening brain function.

  • B12 IM Shot: To relieve fatigue and mental fog, B12 (either Methyl or Hydroxy) is perfect for anyone struggling with vitamin B12 deficiencies or to supplement their diet (especially for Vegan diets.)

  • D3 IM Shot: No longer solely available from the sun, getting a D3 IM injection is a faster way to absorb the benefits, particularly for mood, strong bones and to boost your immune system.

  • Glutathione IM Shot: Even though your body produces glutathione, aka the “Mother of all Antioxidants” it doesn’t hurt to get a little extra boost as it is one of the most important antioxidants in your body. For skin clarity, liver detox and free-radical annihilation, it’s no wonder glutathione is a hot-button ingredient in both our IM shots and iV drips!

  • Immüt IM Shot: Fighting a cold? This injection is packed with the same ingredients as our Immunity Drip, just what you need to fend off nasty bugs and bounce back to your regular healthy self. Get your glutathione, vitamin C and Zinc in one convenient shot, perfect for that busy parent on the go!

Give Yourself a Boost

Whether you need a quick boost for energy, clarity, or to address a deficiency, our IM shots can help, 7 days a week! We invite you to schedule an appointment for your next intramuscular injection and keep living your best days 😊